Dave & Sissy Daily Deals

July Prime Day Giveaways!

For the month of July, we’re going to celebrate Prime Day with over $3,000 in Amazon Gift Card Giveaways to our Newsletter Subscribers. Prime day takes place on July 16 and 17 this year, so it’s just around the corner. We posed the question to our subscribers and followers about how we should split the $3,000 in Amazon Gift Cards up. It was a landslide! The majority preferred we give out 30 $100 Amazon Gift cards so that’s what we’ll do. We have six Prime Day Newsletter Blasts planned, and therefore, we’ll give out FIVE $100 Gift Cards on each of the Newsletter emails you’ll see on July 16 and 17. So keep reading to get entered and get ready for Prime Day!

How To Enter Giveaways! 

Simply Sign up for our Newsletter below and you will receive an email where you can reply with your first and last name. This will give you one entry into our Prime Day Giveaways. This one entry will enter you in all the giveaways for July 2024, but keep watching your inbox for bonus entry opportunities that we’ll email throughout the month, which will give you more chances to win!

Giveaway Rules

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